Thursday, April 19, 2012

breathing in the air

Confronted with a strong visceral, intense hostility, and aversion, the word that comes to mind is "hate".  I'm not proud to be harboring this emotion for anything, not only because it's not the core of who I am, but the intensity of this "dislike" is wasted on something not worthy of even an inkling of time.  I understand the rationale, but reacting only grants it credence.  There are encounters of which I cannot control, I hate that this "chance" was enabled by an individual of which I had "once" been afflicted with the opposite emotion.  Naturally, exposure develops desensitization.  Though I hope to never have this opportunity, my best response would be one of indifference.

Otherwise, my window is finished!
with hand fabricated chain, closure with its final incarnation

my window open
the hand drawn view

that little door knocker, works!
on display @ Hudson Beach GlassBOS group show

Life is full of lessons.  When I can open my eyes and heart to it, windows open.  I've unlocked a door.  I can feel the fresh air and am "breathing" it in.  I'm not only saying and hoping, but actually believing that I will be okay again, maybe, even better than what I was!


  1. Hi Cai! Your sister told me about your blog and I just love it! I started mine not too long ago as well.

    I love your window piece... it reminds me of that line from Seneca, 'every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end..' something that's been on my mind.

    1. thanks em, and for sharing that line, love it. along the same vein, another one of my favorites, "nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"- m robinson.

      is your blog private? not directed to it when i tried

  2. hmm... must be something in my settings I need to change. I'll take a look. But you can go to for now.
